The annual Have A Go Day was a big success! Hosted by the Seniors Recreation Council WA, SRCWA, during the WA Seniors Week at Burswood Park. Have A Go Day started back in 1992, and this year marks its 30th anniversary. There were more than 230 organisations and 15,000 active participants joining each year.

Chung Wah Community Care (Chung Wah CC) is delighted to participate in this year's Have A Go Day and have the opportunity to cultivate our purposes. We continue encouraging seniors to stay active and adventurous for a healthy lifestyle. In addition, the November 9th event provides an opportunity to branch out our key services to the greater public, promoting the government initiative - EnCOMPASS Connector information.
The EnCOMPASS programme is designed to provide seniors, primary carers, and community members with information and assistance accessing government-funded "MyAgedCare" services.

EnCOMPASS is a multicultural Aged Care Connector program between FECCA and local community organisations across all States and Territories in Australia, a partnership of 22 organisations, including Chung Wah CAC. The main objective is to provide individual navigational support to seniors and caregivers of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) backgrounds in aged care services to meet their needs. Many of our seniors come from non-English speaking backgrounds, which can be a real challenge when navigating the process of applying for My Aged Care. Chung Wah CAC speaks your language and understands your culture. We provide free My Aged Care information and superior quality services. For more detailed information, please contact us at (08) 9328 3988 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Since 2019, Chung Wah CAC has accumulated extensive experience by participating in the "Aged Care System Navigator" program to promote the government-subsidised "My Aged Care" system with seminars and personal counselling services. As a result, we are confident in helping those in need. In addition, our Chung Wah CAC staff, support workers and volunteers are proficient in English and over 20 Asian languages. We believe that with these unique advantages, our organisation can provide quality services to the community in achieving happier and healthier ageing goals while continuing to build a better community for all.