What Does Ageing Mean to You?

Another year of the incredible WA Seniors Week took place from the 6th to the 13th of November. During this very memorable week, community organisations and local governments come together to celebrate the countless contributions of older people to the Western Australian community and encourage them to stay positive in their ageing journey.
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The Northern Suburbs Community Legal Centre (NSCLC) hosted the Seniors Week Competition at Pagoda Resort, Como, on the 8th of November. This was a special time of celebration. The topic for this year is "What does ageing mean to me? " and many community organisations responded to this question in various creative ways. However, the most exciting part was the senior awards ceremony. NSCLC delivered three categories of awards: 1) Best Cultural Award, 2) Best Creative Arts Award, and 3) Best Build It Award. As you can imagine, it was a full-house event with over 100 guests. Kathy Cokis, CEO of NSCLC, Hon and Don Punch MLA, gave the opening speeches and kicked off the event.
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Chung Wah Community Care (Chung Wah CC) is delighted to support the WA Seniors Week to resonate with our 2022 theme, "Branching Together". By trying something new and exciting to promote our Asian community to the broader audience, our Chung Wah CC's volunteers demonstrated their talents with their East and West musical instruments to couple this year's theme: "What does ageing mean to me?"
"Age is merely a number. We like to continue to contribute to our community. Cooking delicious meals to care for our senior clients and playing music to comfort their souls. Together, let's create a better community for all."
Our volunteer quartet presented two compositions for the audience, including a traditional Chinese song, "Moonlight over the lotus pond", and an Australian folksong ", Waltzing Matilda". It was an inspiring experience for many. Chung Wah CC also received the Best Cultural Award, presented by Ms Cokis to Ms Yeung, and everyone had a blast. So let our volunteer quartet continue to represent Chung Wah CC and convey our voices to the broader Australian communities.
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Chung Wah has been servicing the WA community since 1909, dedicated to improving the quality of life of individuals from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, Chung Wah CC has over 35 years of professional care experience helping seniors and people with disability improve their well-being and better integrate into the community. In 2022, we're promoting our theme, "Branching Together", to reach far and wide with various communities, young and old, to build a better community for all.

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