Discover Toodyay and Mundaring

20221124 TOodyay Mundaring Outing 0
"The two days and one-night getaway were incredible! Wish we could do this every month."
"Every destination was filled with remarkable stories and rich history. The team at Chung Wah CC have really done their homework before the trip."


"Every Chung Wah CC staff is exceptionally kind and caring to the smallest details. Excellent!"
Our senior consumers were reminiscing about their two days and one-night Toodyay & Mundaring getaway in November. They recalled all the curious and wondrous destinations. Thanks to our CEO of Chung Wah CC, Mrs Theresa Kwok, the entire trip was carefully conceded according to the seniors' safety, mobility, and comfort.
The journey began on Sunday morning with the Chung Wah CC's bus picking up the seniors and journeying an hour northeast of Perth. Toodyay, known as Newcastle between 1860 and 1910, is a town on the Avon River in the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia. Their first stop was the iconic Connor's Mill Museum, first built in 1870 and later turned into a visitor centre in 1975, demonstrating the process of turning wheat into flour. This followed by a visit to the nostalgic and fascinating backstory of Cola Cafe. After lunch, our seniors checked in at the gorgeous Victoria Hotel, where they got some rest and a delightful dinner while looking forward to their upcoming destinations. The next day was filled with joy and excitement when our seniors brought their enthusiasm from the hubs to Toodyay and started out exercising on the hotel lawn.
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To continue the journey, Chung Wah CC's bus headed down to the next historical destination - Mundaring Weir. This dam was built as part of the Goldfields water supply scheme that delivered portable water to Coolgardie and Kalgoorlie to resolve the water scarcity issue in the 1890s. The project was commissioned in 1896 and completed in 1903. Engineer CY O'Connor was tasked with designing the pipeline. Unfortunately, O'Connor experienced much criticism from the media and the parliament, and he later committed suicide in March 1902. On January 1903, the first pump station began operating by the Royal Commission. This place is now a historical travel destination for engineering students.
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Time flies when you're having fun, but fond memories stay with us forever. So, after enjoying a delicious lunch, it was time to head home. This outing was relaxing and heart-warming for our seniors. So, continue to enjoy the golden era, and we look forward to seeing you at our upcoming outings.

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