Dragon Boat Festival Celebration at CWCC

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Chung Wah Community Care (CWCC) has staged delightful festivities for this year's Dragon Boat Festival at the Balcatta and Willetton Community Hubs. An array of cultural activities and the inviting fragrance of traditional rice dumplings created a vivid festive atmosphere, engaging community members in celebration.

During the festival, our CWCC team blended chair exercises with dragon boating in their routine physical activities at the community hubs. Using fitness equipment to mimic paddling, many seniors eagerly assumed the role of dragon boat helmsman for the first time. Under the leadership of Esther Cheng, Chairperson of the CWCC Board, seniors energetically wielded their "paddles," exuding enthusiasm and vitality. Mrs Gao, one of the spirited participants, shared that she had often watched dragon boat races on TV with her family back home. She was thrilled to partake in the experience firsthand in a new country, finding it immensely enjoyable.

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At CWCC, a melting pot of diverse cultures, each individual's traditions surrounding the Dragon Boat Festival are uniquely celebrated.

Participants exchanged their favourite zongzi (rice dumplings) recipes and engaged in hands-on dumpling-making, sampling varieties like the Teochew-style zongzi. Mrs Muoi, known for her preference for savoury meat dumplings, remarked, "Just one bite revives the beautiful memories of celebrating the festival with my family."

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The dumpling-making session was particularly moving for Mrs Liang. It stirred memories of the techniques her mother had passed down to her, stirring a profound mix of emotions. The Dragon Boat Festival at CWCC not only promotes family reunions but also cultivates shared, joyous memories through its rich cultural activities. Mrs. Liang, among others, found a deep sense of belonging as she crafted dumplings alongside friends in the community hub.

Additionally, dance and Tai Chi performances captivated the audience, earning enthusiastic applause. To honour the festival's traditions, the hub hosted a quiz with prizes, drawing eager participation from attendees, including many seniors who left with both prizes and hands full of zongzi. The consensus among the participants was clear: CWCC's dedication to hosting festive events truly enriches their cultural experiences.

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CWCC's community hubs serve as beacons of cultural preservation and tradition, offering every community member a supportive and nurturing home. Whether it's the elderly cherishing memories of their homeland or newcomers seeking to assimilate, CWCC ensures everyone receives comprehensive support and a warm welcome.

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