Celebrating Our Volunteer and Their Contributions

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Australia celebrated National Volunteer Week at the end of May, and Chung Wah Community Care (CWCC) was thrilled to host a series of exciting celebrations. Volunteers were invited to enjoy an array of food, arts, and scenic activities, acknowledging their talents and dedication. CWCC CEO Mrs Theresa Kwok and Chairperson Mrs Esther Cheng expressed their gratitude to each and every volunteer at these events.

On the afternoon of May 25th, at the CWCC Balcatta Community Hub, our volunteers participated in a fun candle-making workshop. The session began with meditation and stretching exercises, allowing everyone to relax physically and mentally. Under the guidance of a professional instructor, exquisite handmade candles gradually took shape. Amid the subtle scent of sage filling the community hub, participants experienced a unique healing session, a welcome break from their busy volunteering schedules.

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On May 26th, our volunteer team embarked on a two-day excursion to Bunbury. CWCC had arranged a variety of entertainment activities, including kite flying, visiting piers, and exploring local markets. CWCC sincerely appreciates all volunteers' support and rewards their efforts with enriching travel and gastronomy experiences.

Reflecting on the impact of their work, Mrs Esther Cheng shared her personal perspective, saying, "Volunteering is more than just giving; it's about making a real difference. The tangible improvements in seniors' living conditions, a direct result of our ongoing efforts, bring an invaluable sense of satisfaction that can't be measured in words."

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Volunteers are the backbone of our community, and their selfless service is deeply appreciated. Our senior consumers benefit directly from their efforts and are profoundly grateful, creating a positive cycle of goodwill. At the celebrations, Mrs Theresa Kwok, on behalf of CWCC, reiterated the importance of their contributions, stating, "Currently, CWCC has over a hundred volunteers. Your support is invaluable, as we could not manage the care of nearly a thousand elderly individuals without you. Whether you're in the kitchen or providing companionship, your contributions are irreplaceable." Together, volunteers and staff are building a better community for all!

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