A Meeting of North and South: CWCC Community Hub Exchange Day

20240830 AC CWCC Community Center Visit Day 01

It's wonderful that Chung Wah Community Care (CWCC) has established community hubs in Balcatta and Willetton, catering to the diverse needs of seniors in both significant areas of Perth. These hubs offer a sense of comfort and convenience, allowing seniors to engage in activities close to home. Recently, seniors from both hubs had the chance to step out of their familiar surroundings for a North-South exchange, embracing new opportunities for connection and participation in CWCC activities.

On a bright Monday morning, 14 seniors from the Willetton Community Hub eagerly arrived at the Balcatta Community Hub. Upon entering the hall, they couldn't help but admire the spacious, welcoming layout. "This place feels so much more open than ours; it's really comfortable," remarked Mrs. She, a regular at the Willetton Hub. While Mrs. She enjoys the camaraderie of her friends at Willetton, she was equally impressed by Balcatta's inviting atmosphere.

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That day, the Balcatta Hub was hosting a vibrant Spanish-speaking group event. Despite language differences, the seniors from both hubs interacted seamlessly, sharing the joy of singing, dancing, games, and physical activities. The lively atmosphere was infectious. Linda, from Willetton, effortlessly joined in the dancing, moving with grace and enthusiasm. Her dance moves won her the enthusiastic applause of Elena, a longtime Balcatta member. "Linda, you dance beautifully! You should visit Balcatta more often – we have many great activities here!" Elena said with a smile.

Later in the week, on Friday, seniors from Balcatta enjoyed a change of scenery at the Willetton Community Hub's sunny courtyard. They effortlessly blended into the morning activities, some engrossed in friendly board games. In contrast, others participated in invigorating exercise routines led by volunteers. Each senior found a space to connect with friends and enjoy the day, creating a sense of community and joy.

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Whether at the northern Balcatta Hub (18 Radalj Place, Balcatta) or the southern Willetton Hub (58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton), CWCC Community Hubs are sanctuaries where seniors can enjoy friendship and engage in a variety of activities, all within a safe and culturally sensitive environment. This Community Hub Exchange Day was a testament to CWCC's commitment to encouraging seniors to step out of their comfort zones, embrace new experiences, and discover the profound joy and heartwarming connections with community engagement.

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