SINCE 1909

Our vision is to build a better community for all. We are dedicated to improving the overall wellbeing of individuals from diverse backgrounds and empowering consumers and participants to live a better life.
including English, nine Chinese dialects, Cambodian, Filipino, Indian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese.
delivered to caring for our community. Our passional team includes admin staff, support workers and volunteers who treat our consumers and participants like family.
in servicing and assisting our consumers and participants. From getting to and from our community hub and providing care services in the comfort of their home around the Perth metro area.
* Statistics from 2021/2022 financial year
Provide transformative services to the senior community in achieving happier and healthier ageing goals. Through promoting the principles of choice and life-long learning, seniors will be supported to maintain autonomy and a sense of belonging to enjoy the golden era of their time.
Our aged care journey includes:
A journey to live a more connected & full-filled life NDIS is a unique government initiative for people who live with disabilities. This program can positively transform one's life, providing NDIS participants with opportunities to improve their social wellness and live a meaningful life. So, together, let's build an inclusive community.
Our NDIS participant's journey includes:
As an organisation, we sincerely thank all the carers for their outstanding contribution to society. Under the Carer Gateway program, we provide free services and support to carers to alleviate stress and cope with challenges.
Our carer support includes:
Chung Wah CC represents a caring organisation that our team, our consumers and participants are very proud of. We strive to improve the quality of life for our community, enhance social connectedness, promote principles of choice, life-long learning and new purposes to enjoy the golden era.
Looking for Aged Care or Disability Support? Please get in touch with Chung Wah Community Care and find out how we can help you.
What is My Aged Care?
My Aged Care provides an entry point to Australian Government–funded aged care services for the general public. This program aims to make it easier for older people (65 or over), their families, and carers to find information on ageing and appropriate aged care in Australia.
How can I obtain NDIS Support?
NDIS is a governmental funded program to support people with disabilities. NDIS provides a range of personalised services to help people living with disabilities to live a more independent lives. You can begin the process by contacting your health professionals, local area coordinator (LAC) partners or community groups for referrals or contacting us for an obligation-free one-on-one consultation.
How much does Home Care Package Cost?
The cost of your home care package can vary depending on the level of care required. The total amount usually comprises the Australian Government's subsidy and some personal contributions. These funds cover your care services and the package management costs from your provider to organise and manage your package services.